
U.B.O.F. is the World Championship, which has changed the format of the traditional championships of Latin rhythms. Born in 2019, and already in its first edition, it attracted thousands of people and participants from different countries, for its originality. An exciting and different competition within the Latin rhythms, for its new format "Battle" and for the synergy it creates between two dance cultures such as hip-hop and Bachata. It stands out for the transparency of the judges' evaluation. The success is assured for the organizing city or country, since it is a unique format, and for the competitors, since in addition to the prestige obtained, and the prize money, winning the national competition or the World competition assures you a tour of performances by the most important dance congresses in the world.
In addition to the trophy that is given to the champion, another novelty presented by UBOF, is that the winner of the World Championship will obtain the World Champion belt the third year he/she wins the championship.
Competitors who want to access the UBOF World Championship can only participate by competing in the National Championship of their country of residence, being among the first four places.
Competitors who wish to enter the UBOF National Championship may only participate by winning one of the various heats organized by the cities of that country or in the Qualifying Round held the day before the National final.
Each country will choose the format that best suits its organization from the two mentioned above.
UBOF World Champions will have access to the final rounds of subsequent editions, whether or not they are consecutive to winning the title.
UBOF is the only championship of Latin rhythms, which gives you the possibility to be part of the national team of your country, and to be part of the team formed by the best dancers of that year.
Registration and Participation:
Dancers may participate in the qualifying rounds if at least one of the members is a native or resident of the country of celebration.
Competitors may participate in all qualifying rounds.
Those who have been disqualified in the current edition may present themselves again, unless such disqualification was for moral reasons or inappropriate conduct.
It is under the responsibility of the participants, the processing of all types of documentation to present themselves at the championships.
Once registered, they accept the rules and regulations, and authorize the general organization to use their image for promotions of the event both in video and photo format.
General Rules:
U.B.O.F. is a World competition with national classification open to all persons resident or born in the country where it is held.
Several categories are available.
- Absolute Couple: Couples formed by two people, regardless of sex (from 18 years old included).
- Junior Couple: Couples formed by two people, regardless of sex (under 17 years old included).
- Absolute Male Soloist: (from 18 years old inclusive)
- Junior Male Soloist: (under 17 years of age included)
- Absolute Female Soloist: (from 18 years old inclusive)
- Junior Female Soloist: (under 17 years of age included)
- Team Absolute: groups formed by a minimum of 3 people, maximum 20 people, regardless of gender (from 18 years old and up).
- Junior Team: groups formed by a minimum of 3 people, maximum 20 people, regardless of gender (including children under 17 years of age).
- Absolute National Team: (from 18 years old included) It will be formed by the first 4 classified in the national championship of each country, both singles and couples, to compete in the World Championship. The Team does not qualify to be part of the selection.
- Junior National Selection: (under 17 years old included) It will be formed by the first 4 classified in the national championship of
each country both singles and pairs, to compete in the World Championship. The Teams do not qualify to be able to be part of the selection.
The winning soloists, pairs or teams of the qualifying rounds in the Battle Freestyle format, plus those classified in the Open Round of the national final (if any), will access the national final.
In the qualifying rounds prior to the National Championship, none of the categories will be choreographed unless there is only one competitor per category.
Soloists will not have choreography, only Battle freestyle format, either in the qualifying rounds, open round, National final or World Final.
In the National Final and the World Final the couples and teams will compete in a single category: Choreography.
The top 4 finishers in the choreography category will compete in a Battle Freestyle (Improvisation) final. The final will consist of a Battle between the first 4. With these 4 couples or teams there will be two semifinals, the 1st against the 4th, and the 2nd against the 3rd. The two winning couples or teams of these two semifinals will be the finalists.
In both the semifinal and the final Battle Freestyle (dance battle in improvisation format) the music will be bachata fusion in the first outing and traditional bachata in the second outing. The music will be provided by the dj, the competitors not knowing the pieces that will be played, and the couples will have to improvise on the music.
The number of competitors in each of the categories that pass from the Open Round to the National Final will be decided by the organization and will depend on the number of participants already qualified for the National Final. In the event that the provincial elimination rounds fill the quota, there will be no open round.
The elimination rounds to access the National Championship in all categories will be by BATTLE FREESTYLE format.
To access the World Championship, couples and teams must go through the following phases:
-Open Round or Qualifying Round (access through the freestyle battle).
-National Choreography Final
-Final Battle Freestyle
The competition:
The general organization, shall conduct a draw, with the competitors to determine the starting order, before starting any round of the championship.
The decision on how to run the competition will depend on the number of competitors, but the final decision will always be made by the organization or by the jury.
It is recommended that the competitors, when performing their dance, do not use verbal expressions, such as: - Do not sing the songs they are performing
- Do not talk between the members of the couple
- Do not address the public or the jury or the orchestra verbally.
BATTLE FREESTYLE (couples, teams and soloists):
The Battle Freestyle, consists of bringing out the best of each dancer without creative ties because of some rules. The only rule is the time of each exit and dance in time, respecting the basis of bachata, but can show and merge all dance styles available or acrobatics.
Competitors in Battle Freestyle, will be evaluated by the judges in a direct way, assessing the creativity and musicality they have shown at that time:
Judges will point to the competitor who they like the most with their arm. In case of a tie, they will cross their hands. In case of a tie, each couple will be allowed to perform a passage longer than one minute or 45 seconds in case of soloists and 1:30 for teams. In this last round there will be no tie votes, and since the jury will be odd there will always be a clear winner.
The confrontations will be done by drawing lots.
Soloists will each have two 45-second starts, pairs will each have two 1-minute starts, and teams will each have two 1:30 starts.
For all categories the format is the same, the dancers will dance facing each other, respecting and without interrupting the start of the opponent. Who comes out first will be decided by the speaker, in case they do not agree between them.
The first exit will be with Bachata Fusion music and the second exit with traditional Bachata.
Choreography (couples and teams only):
The duration of the music will be 2:30 to 3:00 minutes.
The couples or teams must present a choreography, where the music must comply with the established rules.
Couples or teams will not be allowed to repeat choreography from previous editions in the national final (if this choreography was among the first three).
In case of repeating a choreography already used in previous editions, the couple will be eliminated.
If there is any doubt as to whether the choreography is repeated partially or in its entirety, the organizing committee will decide the penalty to be applied.
In the National and World finals the competitors will be evaluated by 9 judges.
The number of Judges may vary for a better running of the competition.
This last decision is up to the Organization.
Voting and Scoring:
Competitors in choreography, will be evaluated by the judges/judges in the following technical areas:
Visual Presentation ( 5% ): Couple's bearing, costume, makeup, hairstyle, shoes and accessories in general (Individually and as a Couple).
Original Bachata (10%): In this section we value the original bachata style (basics, turns, walks) which leads us to think that we are watching a bachata and not another style of dance.
Bachata Fusion (10%): Contribution of the fusion to the enrichment of the show, skill in the execution of the style fused with bachata. This section only scores the fusion of bachata with other rhythms. Fusion is understood to mean: ( bachataurbana, bachatango, bachatalírica, bachatazouk, bachatasensual... )
Porté or Acrobatics in couple (15%): it is all movement that the portor through its impulse, helps to execute to the agile dynamic acrobatic movements or acrobatic turns.
It is understood by acrobatic turns (lateral mortal, frontal, grouped, carpado, pirouette...) without height limit.
Porté: it is any movement that the portor through its impulse or elevation, helps the agile to execute static or dynamic positions. This definition includes the mano mano.
Static positions: is where agile and portor maintain the figure for at least one second. Dynamic Positions: is where the agile, the hand or both, while executing the figure, move the figure or give it a continuity of movement.
Scoring of 5 acrobatics out of 15 points. 3 points each of the acrobatics . The highest score will be obtained on the most technically difficult stunt presented by the competitors themselves in that championship. The scale will be set by the judge after supervising the acrobatics of all participants in the rehearsal. The responsibility for the judge's understanding and fairness lies with the organization of the event.
5 acrobatics is the maximum allowed, everything exceeding this amount will not be scored and will be penalized by the rest of the Items for lack of continuity in the dance.
Acrobatics that technically have a 90% correct execution can have a bonus, as well as acrobatics or combined portes. We understand portes or combined acrobatics to any acrobatic execution or portes that in its execution and combination there is a continuity between one and another and there are no dance steps in between.
Connection with the partner, Feeling (10%): Coordination of movements in couple and loose (arms, feet, body in general). Smoothness and tension in the grips and contacts between the couple. Sensation that they produce that they are a unit.
Originality and creativity (10%): Different from the normal choreography that can be seen on stage. All kinds of movements will be evaluated (interpretation, figures, free steps, loaded, acrobatics...) In this section we will take into account that 30% different choreographically or musically from bachata or bachatafusion.
Interpretation and musical expression (10%): Interpretation that the couple makes of the chosen music and how they express it to the public. This interpretation is valued at specific moments (beats, changes of musical rhythm, pauses, silences,...) and during the development of the whole choreography.
Difficulty (10%): Technical difficulty of the choreography. Here the choreography will be evaluated as a general computation of it, difficulty of portes, acrobatics, figures, free steps, body expression and interpretation in general.
Dance Technique (10%): Cleanness of movements, turning technique, body positioning and positioning of arms and legs. Technical difficulty will not be assessed here.
Rhythm (10%): Maintain the musical tempo throughout the song.
Categories or specific items, depending on the organization. In the national final each judge will evaluate specific items.
The couples will inform before the competition in which time they will dance.
The judges will count the music in measures of 4 beats. If the couple turns the time from (1 to 5 / 2 to 6 / 3 to 7 / 4 to 8) or vice versa will not be penalized.
Couples may dance on any of the beats, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The important thing is the constancy of the same throughout the presentation.
If the couple decides to change the tempo during the dance, this change must be clear to the judges, otherwise it will be considered a mistake. It is advisable to dance or choreograph in the same tempo throughout the presentation.
The judges will use the voting sheets for this purpose.
In the national qualifying rounds and in the national final, a scoring system and podium will be established (depending on the place in which each judge classifies).
In the international final a differentiated scoring elimination system will be established.
In case of a tie:
Each judge will decide a winner and as the number of judges will always be odd a winner will be obtained.
In the national elimination rounds competitors will be evaluated by 3 judges.
In the national final the number of judges will be 9 members, but may increase or decrease as deemed necessary by the organizing committee.
The number of judges will always be odd.
The judges will be persons of recognized prestige within the field of dance, dance or music.
The judges will have sufficient experience and knowledge to be able to perform their work to the best of their ability.
One of the judges will be appointed Chief Judge and will be in charge of enforcing the rules. This judge will always have the final say in any decision.
The location of the judges' table will be decided by the organization.
The couples, teams or soloists who are competing, and the coaches, will not be allowed to have direct communication with the judges during the competition.
Communication with the judges must be through the competition director or, failing that, through the chief judge.
Judges are expected to be honest and professional enough to be objective, even if there is a relationship (professional or personal) with any of the participants.
If any misconduct of any judge is observed, he/she will be expelled immediately and the situation will be made public to demonstrate the transparency of the competition.
- National Championship Prizes:
1st Place: Trophies + Access to the final and expenses paid ( It can be accommodation or travel to the World final will depend on the organization ).
2nd Place: Trophies + Access to World Final
3rd Place: Trophies + Access to the World Final
4th Place: Access to the World Final
- World Championship Prizes:
There will only be prize money for the Absolute +18 categories.
1st Place: Trophies + 250€ + contract in 2 congresses
2nd Place: Trophies + contract in 2 congresses
Soloist Champion of Champions (Male vs Female Champion):
1st Place: Trophies + 200€.
- World Championship Awards:
1st Place: Trophies + 1200€ + contract in 2 Congresses
2nd Place: Trophies + 300€ + contract at 2 Congresses.
- World Championship Awards:
1st Place: Trophies + contract in 2 Congresses
2nd Place: Trophies + contract in 1 congress.
- World Championship Awards:
1st Place: Trophies + contract in 2 congresses
2nd Place: Trophies + contract at 1 congress.
It is recommended that the costumes be "show" costumes and not casual or everyday wear, as this is one of the points to be valued.
The costumes should be appropriate and comfortable for the performance of the dance.
It is not forbidden the use of foreign elements and accessories that are not part of the costume, although it is not recommended.
In any case, accessories that hinder the continuity of the competition, such as water, glitter, confetti, etc., are not allowed.
Scenery and decorative elements (chairs, accessories, etc.) may be used.
The use of costumes is allowed although it is not advisable due to the type of competition.
The use of dance shoes is recommended. Dance nikers, sneakers, liricals, jazz-shoes, etc. are allowed. Barefoot dancing is permitted.
The use of talcum powder or resin will be limited to the dancer's area and will never be spread on the stage or surrounding areas.
Makeup, Hairstyle and Accessories:
Characterization makeup is not recommended on faces, nor on any part of the body although it is not prohibited.
The use of jewelry that could pose a danger to the dancer or other competitors (Chains, bracelets, rings, bangles etc.) is not recommended.
In the qualifying and final rounds each competitor will bring their own music in the discipline of choreography.
The music used by each competitor must have a maximum duration of 3:00 minutes. The music shall have a minimum duration of 2:30 minutes.
The music may contain 30% of music other than bachata, the remaining 70% must contain bachata or/and bachata fusion music.
The songs will be listened to by the organization to disqualify the songs that do not comply with the rules.
If the song chosen by the competitor, in its original version contains fusions of genres, such as Bolero, Tango, Kizomba, zouk, Flamenco or others, it will be allowed as long as it is accepted by the majority of the jury.
Sounds, effects, special effects and instruments that are not from the original version of the song in question may be added.
You may mix as many bachata songs as you wish to achieve the required length.
You can edit (cut and mix) on the same bachata track, to achieve the required length.
The pitch of the original song can be modified.
When choosing the songs, it is advisable to avoid all songs that may generate any kind of doubt as to their validity to compete according to these rules.
They must deliver the music in mp3 pendrive format to the organization, at the time they are requested or via email. The necessary speed, the "Pitch" will not be modified live for any couple, being able to request it in the general rehearsal.
If the couple does not deliver the mp3 pendrive at the requested time on the requested day, it will be eliminated, except in situations of extreme measures.
All competitors must have a copy of the music for any possible inconvenience.
If the couple does not have a copy and due to an error of the organization the original is damaged, the organization will not be responsible.
If any complication arises (the music is not heard, jumping track, etc.) during the development of the competition will be given another opportunity to the damaged couple with the copy that it has at the end of the competition to avoid altering the operation of this.
In the BATTLE FREESTYLE, the musical choice will be made by the dj in a random way. The competitors will not know the music at any time. There will be cuts of 45 seconds for soloists, one minute for couples and 1:30 for teams. The musical style will be for the first outing, fusion or urban bachata and for the second outing traditional bachata.
Judges shall score the competitors for the work they perform and not for personal relationships, or matters unrelated to the dance.
Judges must maintain throughout the competition, their posture as such, and not influence the competitors or marking the time, or signaling a correct location.
Judges may not make gestures of mockery, laughter, joy, with respect to the competitors in competition. This attitude will be considered unethical.
It is considered unethical any agreement or intimidation that affects or attempts to affect the outcome of a competition.
Aggression in competitions, both verbal and physical, within the dance environment is considered unethical.
It is considered unethical for competitors to act in an unsportsmanlike and offensive manner towards their fellow competitors.
It is considered unethical the non-compliance with the articles of these regulations.
If a couple qualifies for the semifinal and either of the two can not appear in the final (due to illness, accident, other reasons), this couple will be considered disqualified and may not enjoy any benefit.
Performing more than 5 acrobatics will not be scored by the jury of acrobatics, so in the remaining Items will be penalized for lack of continuity in the dance.
In the event that a winning couple is disqualified or decides not to appear in the final, the couple that has been in second place becomes first and the third becomes second. In the event that more than one couple withdraws after winning, this process will be repeated until there are two couples left. If there is only 1 pair left, this one will pass as first. If there is none left, this round will be considered deserted.
Failure to comply with the rules will result in disqualification and/or disqualification to compete in the UBOF.
The degree of penalty, will be determined and applied by the disciplinary committee, which will be formed by the general organization of the competition.
In any case, the organization has the final say on the imposition and withdrawal of possible penalties.
Once the competition is over there will be a maximum time of 60 minutes where the jury will retire to make the sum of points and establish the classification. This will be the time for any kind of allegations and claims.
Once this time is over and given the result in public, even if it is shown that any rule has been broken, the jury's decision will remain unchanged except in extreme cases.
Should any situation occur that is not covered by the rules, the organization or failing that the jury will meet to make a decision and this decision will become part of the rules.
The organization reserves the right to change any of the rules for the better functioning of the competition.
In the event that there is any change in the rules, this will be reflected on the website of the event.